Two out of three Danes have made a decision on organ donation. Have you? The Danish Centre for Organ Donation is the national knowledge centre for work with organ donation. On its website,, it disseminates knowledge about organ donations, statistics and studies, and answers questions to help people make informed decisions..
After conducting a user test on, the Danish Centre for Organ Donation contacted us wanting to develop a new website. A number of changes had to be implemented on the website in the form of improvements in information, structure and readability, as well as optimisation of the user experience on both smartphone and desktop.
Clienti ran a series of workshops on an ongoing basis. First a UX workshop, then a technical workshop, and later also a content workshop to prioritise message and content. In addition to a new structure, the outcome included a revised logo, a new visual identity, a communication concept for Organ Donation Day, and many new functionalities and prioritised content.

Optimised user experience
We have optimised the user experience with a read-more function, which allows the user to choose how much they want to know about organ donation. In addition, an FAQ has made it even easier for visitors to get answers to their questions. We also made space for videos and stories that support the overall message and make it easier to make a decision about organ donation.
The solution is still serious, professional and knowledge-intensive, but now has a more emotional impact on Danes and a warm and engaging manner.