ØnskeBørn Branding & Identitet
In August 2019, ØnskeBørn approached Clienti with the desire to take the Ønskebørn brand and chain to the next level. A developmental journey towards, among other things, becoming more in tune with their core target group, coupled with a specific revitalisation of the ØnskeBørn brand and the chain's commercial business. Clienti developed a new comprehensive chain strategy for ØnskeBørn – broken down at an operational level to a manageable 5-year developmental journey with strategic milestones.
Clienti also developed a new brand identity and a new visual universe. The inspiration came from the name "ØnskeBørn". In other words: "the children we really wish for". Expecting and having a child is the start of an adventure. It's magical. We wanted the ØnskeBørn brand to guarantee the acceleration of this experience. More magic. More adventure. We wanted to speak directly to the core target group –expectant or new mothers. We wanted to show the princes and princesses. We wanted to construct the platform around the feeling of the babymoon – the dreams, the curiosity and the imagination. A brand that provided a framework of nostalgia, the fun and homely, the original and poetically straightforward, and that allowed playtime again.
The solution was an identity and a visual universe of adventures; cursive writing, princes and princesses, vintage line drawings, unsaturated colours – original with a modern touch.. Pure wishful thinking.

Brand identity
Expecting and having a child is not just the start of a new life. It's also the start of a new adventure. ØnskeBørn knows the concerns and needs, and especially the dreams and wishes – and are ready to help both parents and children. It does so with a new and inviting payoff, developed by Clienti.

Clienti har udviklet og designet over 175 eventyrlige figurer til brandidentitet. De vidner hver og én om det magiske, man oplever som forældre, men også det finurlige i at være barn og se verden på sin helt egen måde.

In connection with the development of the chain strategy, a shopper analysis revealed large differences in the brand perception by consumers at the individual shops. Part of the brand strategy has been to minimise the divergent brand perceptions towards more brand homogeneity.
One of the essential elements of the brand building of multiples is to create synergy and consistency across all the touchpoints of the brand – particularly the primary touchpoints at ØnskeBørn, such as SoMe, POS, Shopfronts and Interior Design, and the Main Catalogue. The aim is to capture the essence of everything that goes from the multiple's office to its online shop and 26 physical shops.
A specific example of the synchronisation of the brand is the new black facade signs with the payoff "let the adventure begin", as well as the unique offer signs matching each of the six categories from the main catalogue and the regular campaigns. The offer signs are designed to help consumers navigate between categories. The design accommodates daily practice, and pre-printed templates can be printed on in the shop.
Clienti has recommended developing lactation rooms so that mothers (e.g. on maternity leave) can always go to ØnskeBørn's physical shops for both nappy changing and breastfeeding. Clienti has helped form the design and content of these rooms. There are even water bottles for the breastfeeding mother (who needs fluids during breastfeeding), as well as the possibility of parking the pram in the shop.
For a voluntary chain like ØnskeBørn wanting to develop and align its brand, as well as maintain its local flavour, it is challenging to create an identical brand experience and perception across all stores. From the chain’s overall communications down to the communications of the individual local shops. In the chain strategy, we therefore recommended using joint standard POS communication materials – from offer signs, window film, billboards and balloons to wrapping paper, ribbons and bags. All materials use the brand essentials that Clienti has developed for ØnskeBørn to achieve a stronger brand positioning with mothers.

From our insights, we could see that wrapping paper is one of the most important tools for appealing to the attractive segment that will buy presents for expectant or new parents (e.g. baby shower gifts, Christmas presents, birthday presents, etc.). Here, the wrapping itself is able to increase the perceived value of the product – both for the giver and the receiver. Wrapping paper is actually a deal winner in terms of increasing sales if the price point of the product is identical or within a variance of up to +1-6% (depending on the price point) relative to competing outlets.
Shop posters, window film, flags, balloons and bags have been designed in sustainable materials. The window film is designed with the varying nature and size of shop windows in mind, as all shops have varying space to dedicate to film covering. Clienti therefore developed a window film with sub-components so that each shop can use whatever it has room for.

These POS (point-of-sale) elements have linked all 26 (individual) physical shops even more closely into a more unified, homogeneous ØnskeBørn brand.
ØnskeBørn's brand has not been officially measured by external partners in terms of awareness, preference or brand likeability. The message from Head Office and the Board is that the chain is making progress. In terms of brand strength, awareness and preference as well as sales. Sales are at index 126 at chain level (2020).
As of June 2020, we had achieved 7,929,681 views to mothers online, and in terms of the animated part of the communication, almost 600,000 mothers had been exposed for more than 3 seconds.